Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Can opener proves perfect gift

Community Editor Tammy Malgesini finds an unconventional anniversary gift is an ideal upgrade.
Inside my shoes

Published on September 15, 2015 10:43AM
I’m not normal.
There, I said it — it’s out there. However, for those that know me, this isn’t any big revelation.
The reason I reiterate this now is my husband, John, got me a can opener for our anniversary. Societal standards have suggested women don’t want appliances as gifts. However, I was thrilled!
On the morning of our 32nd anniversary, I was wondering why there wasn’t a card waiting for me in the bathroom. Over the years, our bathroom has become the communication center where John leaves me messages or cards.
Notations on the dry erase board on the mirror let me know everything from John is working late or planning a Costco run to suggestions for our dinner date or it’s time for me to order more Advantix for our canine kids. Cards are generally left in front of the mirror or dangling from a hook in the ceiling.
John always gets me a card for special occasions. When there was no card to be found in the bathroom Sept. 10, I wondered, “What gives?”
I made my way downstairs to get a glass of Pepsi and feed the dogs. And, there on the kitchen counter was a card and wrapped box. I was quite surprised. My first thoughts were, “We haven’t bought each other anniversary gifts for a number of years” (we generally take a trip) and, “What am I going to get him?”
When I opened the box to reveal a funky new-fangled can opener, I smiled and laughed. You see, I never directly told John I wanted one.
The night before while wrestling a can of refried beans with the 32-year-old Rival can opener, I said in exasperation, “I want a new can opener for our anniversary.”
John, who was chillin’ in his chair in the living room, didn’t respond. There was no knight in shining armor to conquer the can, no comment about how much the can opener sucked and no offer to get the “analog” opener out of our travel kit in the garage. Tired from a long day at work, it was just me and the elusive beans.
Come to find out, he went to Wal-Mart before going to work that morning and chose the Hamilton Beach Smooth Touch model.
Yep, a man that listens and a can opener that cleanly removes the top are both pretty special.
Tammy Malgesini is the community editor. Her column, Inside my Shoes, includes general musings about life. Contact her at tmalgesini@eastoregonian.com or 541-564-4539

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