Seed-spitting proves side-splitting fun
Inside My Shoes
Inside My Shoes
I am the spit queen. OK, so maybe spitting isn't that lady-like, but growing up, I preferred my brother's Hot Wheels over dolls and my first major purchase as a child was a baseball glove.
After attending fairs in Umatilla, Morrow, Sherman and Gilliam counties last year, I've seen my share of watermelon seed spitting contests. After hearing about this year's contest sponsored by the Hermiston Watermelon Growers at the Umatilla County Fair, I embarked on a rigorous training routine.
Just before the fair, when Mayor Bob Severson brought a watermelon into the newsroom, I dug a dozen seeds out and practiced different techniques in the hallway.
Later after telling advertising consultant Shannon Paxton that I planned to enter the contest, we went outside and I practiced more. Spitting alongside Shannon pushed me to look for ways to perfect my technique.
Then Friday night of fair week, I decided I needed to get one more workout under my belt. Since I didn't have a watermelon, I initially practiced with sunflower seeds. However, I soon realized I needed watermelon seeds to get a real feel.
After driving to Safeway, I could only find seedless melons, so I headed down the highway, only to find Bellinger Farms closed.
I decided to drive out Loop Road toward Hermiston Melon Co. After knocking on a couple of doors, I decided I would go ahead a get a melon and pay the Walchlis later.
Arriving at the Coke Stage Saturday morning, I quickly filled out my slip and then sat back and sized up the other women. I figured Susie Stuvland and Linda Morgan would be my stiffest competition.
I then picked six seeds. Even though the contest included just three attempts, I wanted a couple of extra in case I dropped one. I periodically popped them in my mouth to keep them moist.
As luck would have it, I was the last woman to step to the line. Linda (16 feet) and Susie (18 feet) were within my range, so I knew I would have to dig deep to out spit them to win a hat or T-shirt and bragging rights.
After using my asthma inhaler, I turned my baseball hat backwards and stepped up to the line. I began rocking back and forth several times. I took a deep breath, rocked forward and upward and launched my first seed 20 feet - enough to clinch the victory.
When co-worker Karen Hutchinson-Talaski asked where I was going, instead of responding, Disneyland, I said, "I'm going to the Morrow County Fair."
But my first stop is the Walchli's place.
Tammy Malgesini is a reporter for The Hermiston Herald. Readers may e-mail her at tmalgesini@hermistonherald.com.
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